Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010


waktu lagi di bus tiba2 kayak keinget gitu semuanya pas lagi di SIDI :)

I realized that SIDI is not just another formality of my religion, but a commitment that i made with God..

According to Batak tradition, during "SIDI" there's like some of "ceramah" thing that i must go through -___- at first I thought this is LAME, like REALLY LAME.Like all my family member, from Opung until all my aunties will talk to me and give me like advice *blablabla..

But then when it happened, i felt really lucky that they talked these things to me..

The first one who stood up was my uncle..
He said that i have made a commitment to God, and i must be responsible for it because all my sins that i made will not be paid by my mom or dad, but I WILL SUFFER FROM THE SINS.. when he said it, i was like "DEG", my heartbeat went faster..

The second one was my sister and my brother in law
She said "i know my sister very well.. and i know that she worried about her future, but remember dek that God will always be with you and will always lead you all the way.. so dont worry about your future, He's with you all the time :)
My Brother in law said "dek, kamu udah harus lebih mature ya di dalam Tuhan.."

Then my Aunty stood up
She talked and she cried because there was one of his nephew went to Bandung and when he got home he is not following Christ anymore. She said that God is everything and what ever happens do not ever leave him

Then my Grandma stood up...
she hugged me and said she loved me :)

gahhhhhh how i miss my family ini Jakarta :')

Mom, Dad :( i miss you too :(

wanna go back to jakarta so badly :(

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