Kamis, 11 November 2010


so i'm back :)

it has been a while since i last posted new story :p

so here i am, im back in Jakarta. After a while, i am really sure that this is the best way. and i have not regret the decision that i have taken :) thanks God for that!

What i'm doing for 6 months?
1. yeah, i'm the lecturer assistant in raffles academy. it's fun! and the most important thing is, i am still using my brain to teach all those kids. so at least, i will not forget about all these things, and my brain is still active haha

2. i have started my violin lesson! and yeah! mbak nuri suggested me to do the exam this December :) YEAH! and she said that i should teach violin to the little kids who just started playing violin. HAPPY AND EXCITED!

3. i was supposed to take french lesson in CCF, but turns out that one level will be finished in 5 months. and the next intake starts at 16th of December, and finish at 13th of June. well, at that time, i will be back to singapore :( so yeah :( but i was thinking to take Mandarin Lesson. but... its hard :( and for your information, when i was in secondary 3, i got 5/100 for my mandarin exam..... :S

Oh yeah, and I just took like some "test bakat" thing. but i used the fingerprint one. and from the result, it is said that i should spend time to know myself really well. like writing blog and stuff.

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

It's decided..

So yeah... it's decided that I'm going to take the April Intake

there were people who did support me, but there were people who did not support me :S

But hell yeah, i know what i want. and i know what i want to do. it's my decision.

Many people were asking, "sar lo mau ngapain selama 6 bulan?"
they were like intimidating me with really hard question, but Thank God, i can handle it

for 6 months, i will:
1. take french lesson -- this is my dream, really, since i watched eiffel i'm in love, i really want to take a french lesson :)
2. finish my violin lesson -- I REALLY MISS MY VIOLIN LESSON, i miss mbak nuri. and somehow im afraid that i don't finish the lesson, that i will forget how to play my violin -__-
3. take piano lesson -- AAAAA I MISS PLAYING PIANO IN THE RIGHT WAY. i've stopped piano lesson since i was in sec 1. now i REALLY MISS IT!
4. work in RA -- at first, mr manish were offering me job as the lecturer assistant, but i'm afraid that he will change his mind. He was talking to me (via bbm) like 2 weeks ago and said that i have to reconsider my decision about going to take the april intake, because he said that KAPLAN singapore will not help them like what they did to us before. Kaplan Singapore was disappointed after what they have done for us to take the September Intake. okay. we are wrong because we don't know what we want to do at first. BUT, this wont happen if "statistics situation" happened. RA was the one who chose the teacher, and the whole class (except Joshua) failed statistics. If it wasn't because of the teacher, we wont failed. So mr manish, you can't put all the blame on us. You took a part on why we want to go to the april Intake.

I have made up my mind of going to April Intake. It's my decision, it's my life (tai banget bahasanya)

Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

september or april intake?

So here are my parent's respond about me thinking to take the april intake..

Mom: (via SMS)
mama bingung dek, lemess, krn prubahan bgitu drastis, td malm km begitu antusias mau terus kuliah,trus mama seharian ke band dn money changer, kalo kamu takut ngadepin plajaran
mama sedih, tmn2 kamu juga yg skolah d indo, sdng berjuang Uan,
6 bln kamu dirumah ato kursus, akan kmn?
kalo kamu sedih mama kan bisa nengok ke sana, satu bulan sekali
kamu bisa pulang juga, to 6 bulan gak sekkolah,
sudah terlalu banyak contoh dek, justru umur kamu maih muda di gunakan baik2
kalo banyak yg ga bisa, pasti tidak ada program sekolah spt ini,
knp master2 juga di umur muda sdh jadi, mmereka juga bukan briliant
mama juga gak berharap kamu dpt A
kalo kamu bisa ikutin pelajaran, dan pass saja baik buat kamu
kita tidak pernah mematok kamu musti jd juara dan jagoan
tp kamu jadi seseorang..

Mom (Via Email):
Ini yang bikin mama lemes karena mama seneng kamu passed the exam, kamu dapat respond dari james, dan kamu juga segera ingin mendaftar, jangan sampe ketinggalan dari temen yang lain, tapi karena kamu takut menghadapi yang tidak perlu kamu takut, dan kamu terlalu mendengar comment orang lain, kamu tidak berani commitment, kegagalan dimana saja ada, mama saja sudah setua inipun ada failed, tapi kita punya Tuhan Yesus yang tidak akan membiarkan kita sendiri, dia tidak berjanji tidak ada kegagalan, tapi dia berjanji bersama kamu terus sampai kamu selesai,

Dad (via bbm):
kamu berdoa aja dulu sayang.. gak usah dipaksain.. kalau kamu memutuskan terus papa dukung kalo mau ambil april juga papa dukung ra.. rasanya sih mama juga pasti dkung ra kamu maunya apa
kalau kamu mau pindah dari situ ketempat yang enakan, papa juga dukung de.. papa gak mau anak papa menderita.. dan gak enjoy sama sekolahnya.. kamu maunya apa ya papa pasti dukung kamu sayang
jangan nangis dong sayang, anak papa harus tegar, itulah hidp dan sekola sayang, belom tentu semuanya enak, tapi kam bisa belajar dan nanti kalau kamu sudah dewasa kamu bisa jalanin hidp ini ra.. dan jangan berhenti percaya dan berdoa
karena hanya jesus yang bisa nolong kamu.. papa sama mama hanya bisa mengantar kamu dewasa aja..
kalau kamu kesepian, baca alkitab dan berdoa ya sayang
jangan berpikiran kalau kamu ambil april itu mengecewakan papa sama mama.. kamu tidak boleh punya pikiran itu.. ya sayang


Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010


oh nooo :(
everybody is leaving :(

tata is leaving tomorrow, then stacey inez and joshua are leaving on the 10th of October :(
ahhhh, it has been 1.5 years that we're together..
and we were never separated for a long time :(

so this might be the longest time that all of us will be separated :"""""""( oh nooooooo

they have been one of the greatest people that i have met in my life.
even though we had so many conflicts in our friendship, but every fight, every conflict, made us closer

we laughed, we cried, we spent time EVERYDAY.

and i can't imagine, what my life would be without them :(

ahhh, i love you people.. I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!
iyenk.marian.joshua.tata.ivan.stacey.inez.beb. :"(

smile :")




Jumat, 24 September 2010

Help me God :(

Dear God,

please listen to my prayer :) I got a very big decision to be made.. whether i have to join the September Intake or April Intake for my University :(
Somehow i really want to be in September Intake, because..well.. first.. its faster.
But in some way i really want to join April Intake, maybe because i'm gonna be alone in the class if i join September Intake, as Joshua inez and stacey aren't joining it :( so yeah..
Help me God :( please please be with me.. this is a really big decision in my life...


Sabtu, 11 September 2010

WEDNESDAY, come faster!


i miss my family REALLYYY BAD!

oh well...
but my holiday will not be really "that" fun
cause i have tons of works to be done.

on the 20th- i have SSPDP presentation -__- *please let my team get the presentation on the 21st or the 22nd



oh God help me :(

Kamis, 09 September 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Last week was CRAZY!

I really did A LOT of things last week

Monday to Thursday, i've got a WHOLE CLASS. which started at 10 pm and ended at 5 pm.
kalo kata kevin: "ONE WORD, CAPEK"

On Monday and Tuesday, i've got 3 classes in one day. And in the end i have to choose 2 subjects. So i chose International Finance and Statistics. This clash keeps happening until thursday :(

BUT THEN, on Friday, i went home to Jakarta, to attend Uda Ucok's wedding. It was Fun! But the dress was.... well... Thank God i didn't have to wear that clown skirt!! If I did, well i promised myself NOT TO TAKE ANY PICTURE!

It was fun, but yet, it was REALLY TIRING. The event started at 1pm and ended at 7 pm.. can you imagine? I thanked God, cause the place was not too hot :)

I came back to Singapore on Sunday evening. And after that i have to finish my assignment which due on the next day. Well, at that day, i have finished like.. 98% of the assignment, so.. yeah..

Then i have to prepare for the INTERNATIONAL FINANCE EXAM, on wednesday.

Thank God it's all OVER! i can enjoy the rest of my LEBARAN holiday in Singapore!
Gonna go shopping with Marian on Friday 'til Sunday haha :D

I really hope everything went well!

Rabu, 01 September 2010


Seriously my schedule is killing me..

This month's schedule is really really really killing me slowly..

I got 3 modules to be done!

1. International Finance --> OH WELL this is the toughest module (seriously). I really need to PUSH my brain to understand the concepts :( OH GOD HELP ME

2. SSPDP --> this is like a personality class. well when i entered the class the lecturer just told me to do a bunch of questions which then help me to know about my personality. Seriously, sometimes i feel REALLY lazy to go to the class, but the DAMN ATTENDANCE forced me to!

3. BUSINESS STATISTICS --> THIS A RE-MODULE, damn mr c****** made the whole class FAILED on the exam, and the only thing that she said was "kalian sih pada bandel2"..
LIKE... HELLOOOO MS! if this wasn't because of the you, we wouldn't have to REPEAT the module for the second time! argghh

okaaay, the college life is getting harder and harder..
and i'm having a second thought on continuing the degree this September!
oh well, if i can't handle my diploma, how will i handle my degree? the lecturer always said that DEGREE IS TOUGH!
and i don't thing the scores that i got know is really reflecting on me going to continue the degree this September.

i have sacrificed my sleep :(

OHHHHH one thing that excites me is... IM GOING BACK TO JAKARTA THIS FRIDAY!
oh okee well but i have SO many things to be done!
and i have to study also!


Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Scholars and Kaplaners!

28th of August, 2010

Kaplaners, decided to spent the weekend with the Scholars from RICS., so the venue that we chose is EAST COAST PARK!

This is East Coast Park

There's a jogging track, but we can also skate and we can ride our bicycle there!
There's also a rental for those two equipments.. well it's not really that expensive :D

Fun Fun!
Iyenk, me, Ivan and Tata arrived at about.. 7 pm..

In Fact! we made promise to Nia and the others that we will come at 6 pm!
And i think it was to late.. because it was dark already!
So, it was quite hard to skate there!

One thing about skating using roller blades, IT'S REALLY HARD!
It's harder than ice skating!

But it was FUN!
Hestia and Eliza finally can ride bicycle! HORE! hahaha

Here are some pictures taken


Scholars and Kaplaners!

Me and Nia, my long lost friend :D :D

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Hello, Tara Krizia Dodds!


I met Tara in Singapore :) She went here for a holiday! yihieee :D Fun fun!
I miss herr reallly badddd!!!

Here are some pictures :)
OF COURSE, me and my Bule :* XOXO

Yenks, Tars, Mars, And Me :D

Tara Dikerjain pas beli Turkish Ice Cream!

Tars and Yenks, My best :D

Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010


i just finished swimming then i checked my BB, there's a new message from Kak ricky.. and when i opened it, he said:
"congraaatss, you're gonna be an aunty"

i called mom, and when i asked her i can hear that she's holding her tears :p
i called my sister and screamed "KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK" and she laughed :)

OMG this is THE BEST FEELING EVER! i can wait until the day the baby born!

I REALLY CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU NEPHEW :) be good to my sister huh? don't ask so many things from her okaay! I LOVE YOU NEPHEW :) :) XOXO

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010


Abee kemaren cabut ke Belanda..

agak sedih :(

walaupun kayak jarang gitu ngmg sama dia.. tapi gak tau kenapa setiap gw ngmg sama dia pasti kayak kerasa enakk aja gitu.. kangen banget :( pas gw brgkt belom sempet ketemu dia :( ABEEEEE

waktu dia sms sebelom pergi, dia bilang gitu dia udah nganggep gw kayak "his own little sister"
ME TOO ABEE :( gw udah anggep lo kayak kk gw sendiri!

gw bakal kangen banget sama dia.. konyolnya.. malem2 cerita2.. ah ABE :(

beeee, good luck ya disana! lo harus berhasil disana! bikin nyokap bokap lo bangga ya bee.
i'll miss you Timothy Satya Abieza :( Take care <3>


super HORE! gara2 gak sabar udah mau pulang YES YES YES :D :D

mungkin ini agak bodoh, tp saya akan pulang 2 kali dalam sebulan *serasa orang banyak duit*
gw juga gak akan pulang kalo ternyata tiketnya mahal
berhubung murahh BISA PULANG

Things to do pas pulang
sebenernya agak malas.... tapi berhubung opung udah bilang terus sebelom gw brgkt buat sempetin pulang.. ya mau apa dikata.. akhirnya gw pulang untuk kawinan super sakral ini..
WUHU ini baru seru! udah kebayang banget, pasti bakal foto2 kayak orang gila dengan baju.. apa ya namanya lupa deh haha! THIS IS GONNA BE FUN!
sumpah ini gw gak sabar banget!! PENGEN BANGET KE BANDUNG! pengen jalan2 sama kakak and kak ricky AAAAH HOW I MISS THEM~

well yang baru kepikiran sih ini dulu
EH IYA KAK RICKY ULANG TAUN TANGGAL 3 SEPT.. okeoke bingung bingung panik.. beliin apa ya?

SARTOB JUGA ULANG TAUN! ini lebih bingung mau beliin apa.. harus pikir bener2 nih biar pas pulang bisa gue kasih!

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

I love you, Taya Batubara :')

I kept looking at my Sister wedding's photos, and realized how beautiful she is :)
LOOK LOOK at her face when she was walking in the altar :)
This is her husband and her beloved bestfriend :) and see her face :D :D

Mom, Dad, Kak ricky, Kakak, Mother and Father in law :)

Kakak and Mama :")

The kiss <3

Dance with Papa :') aaah

This was her second look.. at the reception :)

The best picture ever! kakak looked stunning :)

And.. me and my beloved sister

I miss everyone in Jakarta :( I miss Mom, Dad, Papagung, Mamade, Kak Ricky, and especially now my only sister.. Kakak :(
I love every second of the moment i spent with her..

Dearest, Taya Batubara, My only and lovable sister..
I hope your marriage life with Kak Ricky will be blessings for your new small family and for others..
I miss you :( I miss every fight that we had, Every late night talk, Every jokes, Every shopping day with you :')
I love you Kak :) Thank you for always being there for me, I love you.. always and forever

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010


waktu lagi di bus tiba2 kayak keinget gitu semuanya pas lagi di SIDI :)

I realized that SIDI is not just another formality of my religion, but a commitment that i made with God..

According to Batak tradition, during "SIDI" there's like some of "ceramah" thing that i must go through -___- at first I thought this is LAME, like REALLY LAME.Like all my family member, from Opung until all my aunties will talk to me and give me like advice *blablabla..

But then when it happened, i felt really lucky that they talked these things to me..

The first one who stood up was my uncle..
He said that i have made a commitment to God, and i must be responsible for it because all my sins that i made will not be paid by my mom or dad, but I WILL SUFFER FROM THE SINS.. when he said it, i was like "DEG", my heartbeat went faster..

The second one was my sister and my brother in law
She said "i know my sister very well.. and i know that she worried about her future, but remember dek that God will always be with you and will always lead you all the way.. so dont worry about your future, He's with you all the time :)
My Brother in law said "dek, kamu udah harus lebih mature ya di dalam Tuhan.."

Then my Aunty stood up
She talked and she cried because there was one of his nephew went to Bandung and when he got home he is not following Christ anymore. She said that God is everything and what ever happens do not ever leave him

Then my Grandma stood up...
she hugged me and said she loved me :)

gahhhhhh how i miss my family ini Jakarta :')

Mom, Dad :( i miss you too :(

wanna go back to jakarta so badly :(

Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010


kenapa orang2 suka bikin suasana jadi awkward -______-

hey you, yes you...
sadar gak sih lo dengan lo ngmg itu bikin semuanya jd awkward? kita lg enak2nya kayak gini, skrg lo ngmg kayak gak mikir keadaan sekitar aja..

gw masih mau temenan sama lo... lo masih penting buat guaa.. gue gak mau semuanya jd awkward kayak gini arghhhh