Kamis, 11 November 2010


so i'm back :)

it has been a while since i last posted new story :p

so here i am, im back in Jakarta. After a while, i am really sure that this is the best way. and i have not regret the decision that i have taken :) thanks God for that!

What i'm doing for 6 months?
1. yeah, i'm the lecturer assistant in raffles academy. it's fun! and the most important thing is, i am still using my brain to teach all those kids. so at least, i will not forget about all these things, and my brain is still active haha

2. i have started my violin lesson! and yeah! mbak nuri suggested me to do the exam this December :) YEAH! and she said that i should teach violin to the little kids who just started playing violin. HAPPY AND EXCITED!

3. i was supposed to take french lesson in CCF, but turns out that one level will be finished in 5 months. and the next intake starts at 16th of December, and finish at 13th of June. well, at that time, i will be back to singapore :( so yeah :( but i was thinking to take Mandarin Lesson. but... its hard :( and for your information, when i was in secondary 3, i got 5/100 for my mandarin exam..... :S

Oh yeah, and I just took like some "test bakat" thing. but i used the fingerprint one. and from the result, it is said that i should spend time to know myself really well. like writing blog and stuff.

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